Join us as we celebrate 72 years of service to the Greater Jackson, MS area! This is a very special day.
Our main presentation will be given by one of our members, Dr. Tom Kersen. The title of his talk will be: “The Hinge: The UU Church in Jackson as an Agent of Social Change.” He will discuss our early years, especially the ’60s and ’70s, and the struggle of the establishment and counter-culture elements. UU Jackson was that place for both to come together and share different perspectives.
We will also celebrate our individual or family travels from the past year as we Blend the Waters of our travels. Either bring water from your travels or use our virtual water on the altar.
In addition, we will have a potluck, and be sure to bring a sheet cake entry for the 2nd Annual Miss Dary’s Anniversary Cake Bakeoff. The above picture was from our 63rd anniversary with the cake Dary Shenefelt baked and continued to do so every year for us. Bake one up and enter the competition and we will eat the cakes after the judging! The Rules? A decorative top, adding things like “Happy Birthday” “1951-2023” “72 Years” “a symbolic chalice” or whatever will help you win this esteemed activity.
So plan to join us as we celebrate this part of our 72nd Homecoming.