You are always welcome!

Visitors and guests are welcome to attend any service of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson (UUJXN) either in person or online, depending upon the service offerings and your own needs/preferences. UUJXN embraces people of all ages, abilities, races, ethnicities, genders, identities, and family configurations and situations. We hope you and your family find a church home here!

Learn more at Upcoming Services, Events, and Facebook Official and Group pages.

Worship Services

For Unitarian Universalists, we use the term worship to describe our services, not necessarily as an act of adoration for a deity–though some may use that meaning–but as an act of giving honor or reverence for our shared values. We uphold those beliefs and values that are meaningful for us, that enrich our lives, and lead us toward lives peace and love. Each Sunday morning at 11:00 am, we hold Services which includes a time for all ages. We also hold special intergenerational services and celebrate holidays and traditions together.

What to wear

Feel free to come as you are! Please wear whatever makes you comfortable…be it coveralls, a cape, or a tutu. Most people are dressed in weekend casual wear while some prefer business casual. Children are encouraged to come dressed to engage in arts & crafts and play outdoors, as part of their classes.

Directions & Parking

You can get directions to the church here. If you arrive by car, parking is available on our grounds along Hartfield and West Streets. Our Sanctuary entrance is on Hartfield Street. Please reserve paved parking close to the entrance for those with mobility issues as indicated by signs.


Our members and friends will be eager to meet you! You may chat with everyone or just slip quietly into a seat–whatever makes you most comfortable. We do encourage you to fill out a Welcome card located at the entry into the sanctuary and drop it in the offering plate. Seating is open, so find a place that feels comfortable for you.


We have dedicated handicapped parking spaces along Hartfield Street and space for wheelchairs, canes, and walkers in our sanctuary. If you have concerns about accessibility, please contact us to let us know how we can make our facilities more accessible to meet your needs.

Children and Youth

Children and youth of all ages are welcome to attend the entire Sunday service with their family, if preferred. We do offer additional opportunities for children and youth, including age-appropriate activities, as well on Sundays.

For our youngest children, including infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, we provide nursery care in a safe, nurturing environment staffed with a paid attendant or adult volunteer from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. During services, the Chalice Children may listen to stories, explore arts & crafts, and engage in indoor/outdoor free play.

School age children begin with opening rituals in the service and are then dismissed to attend the UU Kids class where they can dig deeper into the church’s monthly theme through a variety of age-appropriate activities.

Our YUUTH are invited to attend the Sunday services with their family or other teens and have dedicated activities at other times.

Order of Service

Our services are a time together to find meaning and live more deeply, to create connections within, among, and beyond us, to call us to our better selves so we live with wisdom and compassion. Elements of our typical Sunday morning worship service include:

  • Words of welcome
  • Lighting our chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • Time for All Ages
  • Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles
  • Readings—ancient or contemporary
  • Meditations or prayers
  • Homily or message given by a professional minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation
  • Offering, collecting financial donations for the support of the congregation and justice work in the community.
  • Sharing of the joys and sorrows of the congregation

On most Sundays we have a printed Order of Service to serve as a guide to the service, including any words to read in unison or responsively or songs we will sing. Our hymnals include both songs and readings for worship. If the hymnal is needed for the service, they will be placed on the seats before you arrive. The service leader will let you know where to find readings, songs, and how they are to be performed (“Please rise, as you are willing and able, to sing hymn number 123” or “We will read number 591 responsively. I’ll read the regular type. The congregation will read the italics.”). If the hymnals will not be used, the words for readings or songs will be printed out for you and placed in the order of service.

Social Time

We have several opportunities for newcomers to connect with members and friends to learn more about the congregation and Unitarian Universalism. The building will open 30 minutes before service to allow attendees to help themselves to a cup of coffee, grab a snack, and to get to know our members and friends in person and online. After service, refill your coffee cup and stick around for more conversation or join us for a brunch or potluck luncheon. On special occasions, we will hold picnics on the grounds. Please see Upcoming Services and Events for details.

Wellness Policy

We ask that if you are experiencing symptoms of illness or unable to participate in person, you are invited to participate in our Sunday service online. If you are concerned about your wellness or exposure during our services you may wear a mask. (Masks are available at the entry door if you do not have one but would like to wear one.)