In carrying out the Mission of of UUJXN, we have Councils and Task Forces which support our community:


Ministry Council

The Ministry Council meets monthly to coordinate the ministries of UUJXN. The Ministry Council focuses on all aspects of our Mission including:

Anyone who wishes to support the ministries of UUJXN is invited to contact the Ministry Council, its Co-Chairs, Rev. Jim Becker (Snowdancer) and Paul Kuhne, President-Elect, or participate in monthly meetings. All are welcome to attend!


Calm Council

The Calm Council supports a healthy and safe church community by providing guidance to resolve interpersonal conflict among members, friends, and/or groups and uphold the UUJXN Behavioral Covenant. The CALM Council consists of three members in good standing, who are not on the Board, elected annually at the Spring Biannual Meeting. Calm Council members are: Patrick Moore, Kristen Golden, and Stacy Callender.


Leadership Development Council

The Leadership Development Council supports the development of quality leadership with the UUJXN and provides a slate of candidates to fill all elected positions. Please contact the LDC if you are interested in serving as a leader or need assistance in your role serving the congregation. LDC members are the Past President and three non-Board members: Gwen Peavey (Chair), Patricia Ice, Stacy Callender, and Evelyn Moore.


Personnel Council

The Personnel Council hires and supervises all staff of the UUJXN. The Personnel Council develops and revises the duties and responsibilities for each position as well as determines appropriate staff compensation. Please contact the Personnel Council if you need more information about staff positions with the UUJXN. Personnel Council members consists of the elected officers of the Board: Eric Wood, Paul Kuhne, Gwen Peavey, Lisa Dunn, and Sue Moss Gillespie.


Building the Future Taskforce

The Building the Future Taskforce was established to coordinate building renovations with the selected architecture firm and contractors. Please contact the Building the Future Taskforce if you have input for the design and needs of the UUJXN facilities. Taskforce members are: Stacy Callender and Eric Wood.