And the Greatest of These Is Love

group of hands forming a heart

Love is central to Unitarian Universalist theology and practice. Some of our oldest Covenants begin with the phrase, “Love is the Doctrine of this Church.” Love, spoken of by poets, philosophers, and tyrants alike. Love the thing that drives us to action, the thing that will freeze us in place, the most wonderful feeling, and often the most painful one.

Love is a driving force, it is the center, God is love, so must we be.

This will be an in person service. Please see our policy for in person attendance. You are welcome to join us at 10:30 am for coffee, snacks, and socializing!

If you are unable to attend in person, you may participate online, including our virtual Coffee Social, via Zoom at 10:30 am (Central). Grab a cup of coffee (or your morning beverage) and chat with our online and in person community. Then watch the service live:

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