9:30 a.m. – Forum: MS Left Me Out, led by Kristen Brown Golden
Under the Affordable Care Act, it was intended that every person have access to affordable health coverage. But a Supreme Court decision gave states the option of expanding Medicaid to cover low-income populations or not. Up to now, unlike 26 other states, Mississippi has chosen not to expand the Medicaid program to provide health insurance to nearly 130,000 Mississippians who would qualify. These people in the Medicaid Expansion gap have no options for affordable health insurance. Join us as we watch a documentary of their stories.
10:30 a.m. – Coffee Fellowship
Join us for a cup of coffee, a snack, and conversations!
11:00 a.m. – Service: Better Living Through Fear and the Bomb led by Minister Justin McCreary
Every four years we are bombarded with apocalyptic messages of the future. We are told that if we don’t keep certain people in office, we will be sorry. If we don’t elect someone new, we will be sorry. If we don’t change our ways and go back to the way things used to be, we won’t even be here in four years to start the apocalypse all over. Every four years we are confronted with fear as if we didn’t hear it four years earlier. We live in a society in love with fear. It is a fog that lowers upon us, a mist we are told over and over again is filled with monsters, but what is really scary is not the fear we are surrounded by from Mount Olympus, but the side effects of inhaling the toxic fog.
Note: This service will include the installation of the Board Members
11:00 a.m. – Religious Exploration:
- Chalice Children (ages 3-6): World of Wonder – The Chalice Children will explore our UU 7th Principle instilling respect for the interdependent web of all existence and appreciation for its beauty, excitement, and mystery.
- U.U. Kids (ages 7-12): UU Identity – The U.U. Kids are exploring the people, ideas, and events that have shaped Unitarian Universalism.
- YUUth (ages 13-17): The YUUth will attend the adult service.
Childcare is available from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
In honor of Father’s Day, bring your Dad’s favorite dish or your favorite “Dad” food to share!