February 1: This is My Blood—Reflections on Being Human

9:30 a.m. ForumTeachings and Beliefs of Al-Islam, facilitated by Iman Muhammed Abdur-Rachman

11:00 a.m. Worship This is My Blood—Reflections on Being Human with Rev. Justin McCreary
“After a long day toiling in the sun we may smell strong. After that day we may long to shower, as to remove the scent of our toil and our work. We distance ourselves from the odor of life and sleep peacefully as we dream of being anything other than what we truly are, flesh and blood. So I ask you to raise your glass and toast all we have to offer each other, our humanity.”

12:30 p.m.CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) Meeting
New offering. We gather to mark the ancient holiday of Imbolc with new beginnings. Join us as we lay the foundation for a covenant-based group for earth-based/ecstatic practitioners and their allies.

UUCJ Young People
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. childcare provided in Religious Education Building, unless specified below.

Chalice Children (ages 3-6): Weddings and Other Services of Love and Union
UU Kids (ages 7-11): Judeo-Christian traditions
YUUTH: The middle school and high school youth will continue their Cosmos curriculum this week with a discussion of the fragility of ecosystems as evidenced by mass extinctions. We will also discuss some surprisingly hardy organisms.