Summer Solstice Celebration

Join Phoenix of the Grove, our local CUUPS chapter, as we celebrate Litha, the summer solstice. We will also take time to honor our fathers or father-figures in our lives. If you are unable to attend in person, you may participate ONLINE.


  • Capital Building Fund Established: Building the Future December 13, 2020
    During the Fall Congregational Meeting, the UUCJ membership voted to establish a Capital Building Fund: Building the Future to support renovation of the West Street facilities and grounds! These funds will first be used to renovate Heffner Hall, our current meeting space on the corner of West and Hartfield Streets. The renovation planned will redesign a ...
  • 2021 Budget Approved December 12, 2020
    The following 2021 budget was adopted at the Fall Congregational Meeting: INCOME 2021 Budget Pledges $45,000 Plate $5,000 Material Donations $0 Fundraising $500 Rentals $1,000 Lease/ Purchase $18,000 Appreciation $100 TOTAL $69,600 EXPENSES 2021 Budget Administration $1,500 Affiliation $3,800 West St. Facilities $23,000 West St. Renovations $15,000 State St. Facilities $5,600 Minister $37,106 Child Care $540 Welcoming $600 Exploring $3,500 Living $650 Changing $300 TOTAL $91,596
  • A New Beginning: 2021 Time-Talent-Treasure Pledge Drive Results December 12, 2020
    THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO PLEDGED! This year we received 19 pledge units (individuals or families) representing 27 members. Members pledged their time to participate on the Ministry Teams: Welcoming Community (2 members), Exploring Our Beliefs (9 members), Living Our Values (5 members), and Changing Our World (8 members). Talents pledged include performances by musicians ...

Our Stories

UUJXN has kept me grounded in multiple ways. First, I get to be around a group of progressive people, which is unique in an area surrounded by conservatives. Second, it gives me a place to search inward–to really understand what spirituality means for me. Finally, the connections I have made at UUJXN have been a … Continue reading (Former) Min. Justin McCreary

(Former) Min. Justin McCreary

When I moved to Jackson in 1998, I was looking for a Unitarian Universalist Church because I had been introduced to the denomination by my sister in Texas. When I visited the UUCJ, I decided that it could be my home church due to the friendly members and liberal religious values. And I’ve been attending … Continue reading L. Patricia Ice

L. Patricia Ice

UUCJ is a welcoming friendly community that inspires, supports, and connects people!

Katie Coates

Upcoming Events

Harvest the Power: Developing Lay Leadership
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
For both new and experienced leaders, this series enriches and deepens leadership skills and the Unitarian Universalist faith journey of leaders. 1: Leadership Journey: This [...]
UUJXN-MRC Community Garden Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UUJXN and the Mississippi Rising Coalition meet weekly to plan and implement a Community Garden to support the neighbor. The meetings may be held online [...]
UUJXN Midweek Vespers Online
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson invites you to our Midweek Evening “Vespers” Online. While other churches consider Vespers a service of evening prayer, we will [...]
First Fridays Family Nights
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join us the first Friday of the month for family fun activities, including games and movies!    
CUUPS Full Moon Meditation
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join Phoenix of the Grove chapter of CUUPS for a Full Moon Meditation. We will join together, set intention, raise energy, and have fellowship online [...]
Starting Point New Member Class
Starting Point is a discussion class to explore your personal journey, the journey of Unitarian Universalists, and how to weave these journeys together. Participation fulfills [...]
Chalice Scribes
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Writing is a long-loved path to personal insight, spiritual discernment and self-expression. By bringing the practice of writing to the exploration of our monthly themes, [...]
UUJXN-MRC Community Garden Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UUJXN and the Mississippi Rising Coalition meet weekly to plan and implement a Community Garden to support the neighbor. The meetings may be held online [...]
UUJXN Midweek Vespers Online
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson invites you to our Midweek Evening “Vespers” Online. While other churches consider Vespers a service of evening prayer, we will [...]
Ministry Council
The Ministry Council holds scheduled meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 9:00 am and special meetings throughout the year as needed. Please [...]
UUJXN-MRC Community Garden Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UUJXN and the Mississippi Rising Coalition meet weekly to plan and implement a Community Garden to support the neighbor. The meetings may be held online [...]
UUJXN Board Meeting
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Board of Trustees holds scheduled meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm and special meetings throughout the year as needed. Please check [...]
UUJXN Midweek Vespers Online
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson invites you to our Midweek Evening “Vespers” Online. While other churches consider Vespers a service of evening prayer, we will [...]
CUUPS New Moon Meditation
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Join Phoenix of the Grove chapter of CUUPS for a New Moon Meditation. We will join together, set intention, raise energy, and have fellowship online [...]
Monthly Potluck
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Please join us after service for our monthly potluck luncheon! Sign up to bring a dish here on our Perfect Potluck page.
Resistance and Transformation
For adult members and friends of all ages, this series explores Unitarian Universalist social justice history and our struggle to live up to our ever-evolving [...]
UUJXN-MRC Community Garden Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UUJXN and the Mississippi Rising Coalition meet weekly to plan and implement a Community Garden to support the neighbor. The meetings may be held online [...]
UUJXN Midweek Vespers Online
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson invites you to our Midweek Evening “Vespers” Online. While other churches consider Vespers a service of evening prayer, we will [...]
UUJXN-MRC Community Garden Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UUJXN and the Mississippi Rising Coalition meet weekly to plan and implement a Community Garden to support the neighbor. The meetings may be held online [...]
UUJXN Midweek Vespers Online
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson invites you to our Midweek Evening “Vespers” Online. While other churches consider Vespers a service of evening prayer, we will [...]
First Fridays Family Nights
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join us the first Friday of the month for family fun activities, including games and movies!    
Events on 01/01/2023
Events on 01/02/2023
Events on 01/04/2023
Events on 01/06/2023
First Fridays Family Nights
6 Jan 23
Events on 01/07/2023
Events on 01/08/2023
Events on 01/09/2023
Events on 01/11/2023
Events on 01/14/2023
Ministry Council
14 Jan 23
Events on 01/16/2023
Events on 01/17/2023
Events on 01/18/2023
Events on 01/21/2023
Events on 01/22/2023
Monthly Potluck
22 Jan 23
Resistance and Transformation
22 Jan 23
Events on 01/23/2023
Events on 01/25/2023
Events on 01/30/2023
Events on 02/01/2023
Events on 02/03/2023
First Fridays Family Nights
3 Feb 23