Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, all UUCJ in-person gatherings have been cancelled and moved online.
As we have been monitoring developments related to the spread of COVID-19 and following the guidance of the CDC and UUA, we have suspended all in-person meetings effective immediately until it is safe to meet together.
We will reassess the situation to decide the course of action for upcoming months. Weekly Sunday Services will be streamed online. We are offering multiple options for online interactions and maintaining our community. All updates will continue to be posted on our website and via weekly email newsletter. If you would like to be added to the newsletter please send a request to: communications@uujackson.org
Please direct any questions, comments, or concern to our UUCJ president, Stacy Callender at: uucj@outlook.com
We care about each one of you. If you are feeling uncertain in these trying times. You are not alone. We are in this together. This is a time to stay attuned for new ways we can show kindness and compassion to each other. If you need guidance or someone to reach out to please reach out via email as it is usually the quickest way to get response. We will walk this path together as we carry the light of truth, the warmth of community, and the fire of commitment in our hearts until we are together again.
Thank you!
UUCJ Board of Trustees: Stacy Callender, Eric Wood, David Morgan, David Voisin, Patricia Ice, and Bob Keller
Minister: Justin McCreary