UUCJ Spring 2020 Congregational Meeting

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Date(s) - 05/17/2020
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95887375336?pwd=dm51T2FqM1F0QlFiTG8rZXRXVHdEZz09

Meeting ID: 958 8737 5336
Password: 811381

One tap mobile


Zoom Meeting Protocol​

When the meeting is called to order, all participants will be put on mute by the monitor. Only the President conducting the meeting and the speaker who has the floor will be unmuted.

Roll: Members must sign in to the chat by typing their name and “Present”. If members are sharing computer access, each member’s name must be typed into the chat to indicate their presence.

The Secretary will use the chat log to determine quorum.

Once the presentation of the speaker is concluded, the floor will be opened for motions, discussion, and questions.

If a member wants to make a motion, participate in the discussion, or ask a question, the member should type “MOTION,” “QUESTION,” OR “DISCUSSION” in all caps into the chat.

The monitor will then acknowledge each member when it is their turn to speak and unmute them.

When the member has finished, the chat monitor will put them back on mute.

After motions are made and seconded and discussion is closed, voting will be via the chat.

When the vote is called, each member will type their name into the chat along with “yes,” “no,” or “abstain.”

The President will announce “voting is closed,” and the secretary and one other board member will tally the vote using the chat log.

The results of the vote will then be announced.

The business of the meeting will then continue.

If we have a silent ballot option it will be send via private chat directly to the Secretary.