9:30 a.m. – Movie: Where to Invade Next? [Part 2], led by Paul Gore
Filmmaker Michael Moore visits various countries to examine how Europeans view work, education, health care, sex, equality, and other issues. From cafeteria food to sex ed, Moore looks at the benefits of schooling in France, Finland and Slovenia. In Italy, he marvels at how workers enjoy reasonable hours and generous vacation time. In Portugal, Moore notes the effects of the decriminalization of drugs. Through his travels, we discover just how different America is from the rest of the world.
10:30 a.m. – Coffee Fellowship
Join us for a cup of coffee, a snack, and conversations!
11:00 a.m. – Service: Living Our Spirituality, led by Jim Becker
We can practice spirituality in our daily lives, in our daily activities, by remembering to pause, pay attention, and feel appreciation for what is before us. Paying attention means using all of our senses in being in the world and in the moment. Stop a moment. Our morning service will be all about realizing spirit.
11:00 a.m. – Religious Exploration:
- Chalice Children (ages 3-6): The Chalice Children will be joining the U.U. Kids on their travels.
- U.U. Kids (ages 7-12): World Travels – The U.U. Kids are taking “trips” around the world to explore the concerns and activities of children in diverse cultural settings through stories, art, and games.
- YUUth (ages 13-17): Cosmos – The YUUth will watch and discuss the original series covering a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.
Childcare is available from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. – Lunch Bunch
Join us at a local restaurant for food and fellowship!
12:30 p.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting
All members are welcome to attend. The Board will be addressing policies and administrative duties.