This Sunday, we welcome the members and friends of the Bismarck Mandan Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (Bismark, North Dakota) to our morning service!
“Eat earth! Dig deep! Drink water! Go to sleep!” When I read this month’s theme, Deep Listening I was drawn immediately to this quote. I don’t know if it was just the use of the word deep or if it was something more archetypal. This quote, from The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, speaks to the very monotony of quarantine, it also speaks to the busyness of those who keep our country moving, putting their lives on the line as Covid numbers rise. During the book, two hobbits fell asleep against a tree that was going to eat them, Tom Bombadil (who never appears in any of the movies) frees them by talking to the tree, or maybe the tree frees them by listening to Bombadil. It begs the question, am I listening? Do I hear the wordless voice of my body that screams for self-care, do I fully embrace the words of historically marginalized people? Do I hear my own words, as they leave my mouth?
This service will be online. Join us on Zoom at 10:30 am for Virtual Coffee Time to catch up with each other and chat. Then join the Sunday service at 11:00 am:
Meeting ID: 998 6233 1068
Passcode: UUCJ
Join by phone: +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 974 2930 6876
Password: 055424
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,97429306876#,,#,055424#
Topics: Beloved Community, Personal Experience, Theme: Deep Listening